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Own Your Space - Be Remembered

22 Feb 2025
London Wall
How wild waters and wiggling your eyebrows can get you the job- What if standing out in auditions wasn't just about talent, but about how you show up? We are made up of stories and patterns which show up in everything we do and how we hold ourselves in the world, including self tapes, auditions and performance. Many of them are blocking the life, the relationships and the jobs we want without even realising it. Last year, many reached out to say my seminar was the most helpful and engaging one they'd attended all day. I'm hopeful you'll feel the same. You'll walk away with practical techniques - oh yes, like letting go of tension with a quick eyebrow wiggle - and hands-on tips from Neuro Linguistic Programming, Heartmath, and mBIT coaching. My goal is for you to leave feeling empowered, grounded, and ready to bring your best to every opportunity. If you're an actor with a fire in your belly, this is for you.
Stephanie Morgan - Both Feet Actor Training
Both Feet Acting
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WeAudition: Actors Pro Expo Virtual 2025