Is There a *Perfect* Time to Reach out to Reps?”
Hey there, actor! I see you. Let me guess, you hem and haw over WHEN is the RIGHT TIME to reach out to agents…am I right?
I help actors find agents, so I hear it all the time…
You absolutely cannot reach out to reps in January, February, or March because it’s pilot season and agents are super overloaded.
April & May are right AFTER pilot season, and you don’t want to bombard agents or managers while they’re sifting through their cluttered inboxes.
Does anyone even check their email in July? The Summer is the worst time to reach out cuz agents are at the beach, in the Hamptons, or Palm Springs… and it’s so slow they don’t even need actors.
In the Fall, it’s back to school season, plus with Labor Day, Halloween, and Thanksgiving there’s maybe like a 3-day window you might catch them – but everyone else is reaching out at this time!
Maybe you could try December! But everyone is sooo busy with holiday parties & vacations and no one is in the office. Your email will just get lost, plus you don’t wanna annoy them while they’re on vacation.
So that just leaves… the 12th of NEVERuary. That’s right, there really is NO GOOD TIME to reach out to reps!
Take the Initiative
Here’s the thing – waiting for “the perfect time” keeps you from landing an agent!
I know you’re afraid of “getting in trouble” or – gasp! – getting blacklisted, but while you battle over should you or should you not reach out to an agent, there are other actors out there who are DOIN’ THE DAMN THING.
I don’t say this to make you feel bad, I simply invite you to put yourself out there because you DESERVE representation that feels aligned for you and feels like a partnership.
But you won’t get that if you play the waiting game! The truth is – and this is huge – you often won’t hear from an agent until your THIRD EMAIL simply because they’re human and they missed the first two. So take the initiative and reach out; if you need to, reach out again.
Your “Right Time” is Right Now
I’ve had actors from my signature program #agentgoals send emails the week before Christmas AND land meetings for the following week! If you need some inspiration, watch how my client Shawn scored 17 meetings and 15 offers when he stopped waiting for the perfect moment and reached out to reps.
And… This incredible actor set sail on his journey to fabulous representation in the very same masterclass I’m teaching live this August.
So if you need reps (or just want *new* ones or you’re thinkin’ about leaving yours) ➡ RSVP to join me for Make Agents Want You.
Get the idea of “the perfect timing” out of your head because TODAY is the best time to reach out to agents!
Always #RootingForYou.