Line Memorization Myths that are Holding You Back
When it comes to line memorization, there are a lot of myths and limiting beliefs circulating around that hold back a lot of actors from improving upon this oh-so-important skill.
As someone who teaches actors how to memorize lines more efficiently using techniques and principles that are science-backed and proven, I come across these limiting beliefs all the time.
Have you ever said any of these to yourself?
MYTH: “I’m naturally just bad at memorizing lines. I don’t have a talent for it.”
THE TRUTH: Your ability to memorize is NOT a fixed talent. It is a SKILL that can be improved with the proper training. There are many research-backed proven techniques that can optimize the brain’s ability to remember. Simply implementing the right strategies can make a huge difference! I’ve had students that were able to cut their practice time in half. Others went from memorizing scripts in days that previously would have taken them weeks.
MYTH: “I’m too old to improve my memory. It’s too late for me to learn something new.”
THE TRUTH: While it is undeniable that remembering things can become more difficult as we age, older people can also benefit just as much from these same techniques and strategies. I can say that from experience! I have students of all ages. Many actors in their 60s and 70s have found success with my method. It is precisely when you are experiencing memory difficulties, that it makes even more sense to start employing these strategies, so you can optimize your memory as much as possible and strengthen your neural connections.
Age doesn’t have to hold you back!
MYTH: “If you have trouble memorizing lines, it’s because you’re lazy and untalented, and acting isn’t for you.”
THE TRUTH: Now maybe you haven’t said this one to yourself, but you’ve heard other people out there say something like this. This is absolutely untrue. Actors of all levels and experience can struggle with lines. I’ve had students who were talented, committed, hardworking actors, who worked in the industry for decades and booked work regularly who STILL nevertheless found memorizing very difficult.
If you’re ready to leave behind these myths and limiting beliefs and make the leap to start learning the most effective strategies to get off book faster, I invite you to sign up for my free masterclass, Memorizing Lines the Smart Way!
It’s a quick 37 minute training session. The strategies I teach in it are simple, easy to learn, and you can start implementing them TODAY!
Joyce Hshieh
Founder of Off Book It