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22 May 2024

Catching Up With Our January Virtual Showcase Actor, Janet Cost-Chretien!

Catching Up With Our January Virtual Showcase Actor, Janet Cost-Chretien!

Janet, it’s been 6 months since your Virtual Showcase – tell us what you’ve been up to?

Well, I was very lucky to receive representation offers soon after it’s release, and after a lovely zoom chat with an agent, who I decided to go with!  She was very generous with her advice and time, which is something to cherish these days. The agency soon had me self-taping for a lot of projects and I’m very excited to say I’ve been cast as the nurse in Romeo and Juliet, which will be performed in the Abbey in Bath from the 18th to 31st August, with the fantastic and award-winning company, ‘Antic Disposition’.

Congratulations on signing with an agent, how long after the showcase was that?

I received the contract a month after the showcase but took a week or two to sign it as there was a lot happening at the time.

Fantastic news you have been casting in Romeo and Juliet playing this Sumer, tell us all about it?

Well we all know about Romeo and Juliet but this company,  always perform ‘extraordinary theatre in spectacular spaces’, to quote their website! We’ll be performing promenade style in the beautiful surroundings of Bath Abbey. I’ve been extremely lucky to be given the fabulous part of the nurse.

What would your advice be to actors working towards their 2024 goals?

I’d say ‘don’t give up’, whatever year it is and however long a gap you may have had in your acting career. I had an awful year in 2023/early 2024 having lost my mother, my aunt and a beloved cousin, and I think, amongst the grief over losing these three amazing women a part of me must have re-awoken. I remembered that when I was a younger, more active woman, I was an actress who worked with talented people in exciting productions.  Somewhere deep inside I guess I wanted to make the most of life and seize the day again, which is why, when I read about the Actors Pro Expo virtual showcase, I recognised what a great opportunity it could be, and it galvanised me into action. Felicity made it so easy for me to write my own piece, get it filmed in a professional studio, and then package it into this ideal showcase which was seen by so many potential agents. So, I’d say to any actors to keep that fire inside you burning, even if it’s on the back burner, by looking out for opportunities and writing or creating your own.

What are your goals for the rest of the year for your own acting career?

I want to focus and do my very best in our production of Romeo and Juliet, and hope that it may lead to other wonderful roles. I also want the opportunity to dip my toe into the wonderful world of radio and voice over.

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