Authentic acting. Get out of your own way and get out of your head.
This isn’t a regular acting class. We don’t tell you how to act. You already know how to act. You already know how to get what you want and have been practicing it ever since you were born. You are adaptable, smart, have natural instincts and have been using every technique available to you from shouting through to crying, silence, a tilting of the head, a raising of the eyebrow, lust, tantrums, solitude, laughter, connection.
I recently met with someone who said she wanted to be an actor, she said “I’m 40, I’ve had no training, I don’t know how to act”. I said “If you’ve ever been in a relationship, if you’ve ever had a family, ever had a job, ever lived.... you know how to act’. We ALL do."
In class, we work on scripts, but we also overcome the barriers which have been placed in front of us, that stop us from feeling. The walls put in place to protect ourselves, the limiting stories we have told and been told over the years that have, generally, been bestowed upon us by others (our parents, teachers, friends, partners). The ways in which we numb and zone out, and the habits we use to get through this hot mess called life. Only then can we truly connect with the material and serve our characters, the story, and the script.
Our classes are an invitation to take up as much space as you need. In an increasingly fragmented and disjointed society, we need your artistry more than ever. The world needs your voice.
That’s why we started Actors Coaching International.
We are a community and a sanctuary for actors.
We are joined by actors from the US, UK, Austria, Sweden, Finland, France and elsewhere.
We offer:
- Weekly online and in-person acting classes led in alternating weeks by excellent tutors to bring you a variety of styles.
- A monthly Industry Professional connection session usually with a casting director or equivalent. Recent IP sessions have included casting from the RSC, Laura Mcfadden from Theo Park’s ofce, Sharon Sorrentino, Sound & Fury VO casting and many more.
- Entry level, Intermediate and Masterclass level courses.
- Additional specialist workshops including TV and Film Self Taping, Method workshops, Script Analysis, Creativity Sessions, Acting for Film, and Dialect / Accent Courses.
ACI is run by film and TV agent and former casting assistant Danny Clifton from Union Management, and renowned acting and life coach Daniel Dresner.
What ACI actors have to say:
“If you’re prepared to learn how to read and learn scripts swiftly, dive in and produce good quality self tapes with condence, be audition ready without your imposter in the way and realise your own absolute self worth; then this is the coaching programme for you. I cannot thank ACI enough for their love, support and encouragement whilst on this ACI journey, and for helping me land roles I know I never would have gotten without them. I’m feeling and seeing results and it’s all thanks to these guys.” - Elizabeth Chapman - London
"ACI has provided priceless assistance in my growth as an actor and as a human being. ACI has also been a family to me, a group of wonderful people helping, sharing, and caring. Not only do the classes provide top of the line acting methods and experience, in-person and online, teachers also share and teach current knowledge about the industry. My favourite part is how kind and nurturing the teachers are, uplifting, enlightening, and supportive especially when it comes to taking care of our mental health in this industry. Plus we get ACI Industry Professional Talks each month with wonderful people in the industry! Thank you, ACI!!!” - Tammy Appenzellar - London
“The self-taping process has improved immensely for me since I started training at ACI. Learning scripts, connecting to the content, connecting to other characters, trying new approaches, and discovering new sides of myself have made self-taping for me, a lot more fun and grounded. For me, Core class is an opportunity for artist growth, self-discovery, and networking with wonderful, supportive people, I always leave class feeling positive and uplifted.” - Kudra Owens - Vienna
“Heartfelt thanks for a great session last night. I can’t tell you just how much it aligned with what my spirit craves right now” - Jeremy Vinigradov - London